Ptychographic Tomography
- Traditional STEM electron tomography techniques use inelastically-scattered electrons (HAADF)
- Easy to interpret, Z-contrast
- "Serial" ptychographic tomography instead uses ptychographic reconstructions for the 2D projections
- More dose efficient, sensitive to light atoms
- "Joint" ptychographic tomography takes this a step further, reconstructing the 3D volume directly
- Relaxed probe overlap requirements, effective missing-wedge regularization
- Serial Ptychographic Tomography
- Joint Ptychographic Tomography
- Serial vs Joint Comparison
P Pelz et al., arXiv:2206.08958 (2022)
J Lee et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 054062 (2023)G. Varnavides, S. Ribet et al, arXiv:2309.05250 (2023)