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Example Calculation

Directory Structure

Navigate to the SO3-cube-periodic-diffusive-absorbing directory under examples in the source repo and list the directory's contents:

cd examples/SO3-cube-periodic-diffusive-absorbing

You should see the following structure:

├── in-files
│   └── spartans_test_SO3_cube-periodic_dataset-compressed.h5
├── log-files
├── notebooks
│   └── spartans-examples_SO3-cube-periodic-diffusive-absorbing.nb
├── out-files
└── visualizations
└── steady-state-horizontal-flux.png

5 directories, 5 files

The notebooks and visualizations directory are optional, but we find it's a natural way to organize the files used to generate the inputs and visualize the outputs. You can find an example walkthrough of how we generate various input files under Tutorials.

The default directory structure consists of the following three directories:

  • in-files: Directory SpaRTaNS looks in for the *hdf5/*.h5 user-input files
  • out-files: Directory SpaRTaNS will export output files
  • log-files: Directory SpaRTaNS will write log files

You can customize these directories in, which we elaborate on below.

Finally, there's a utility script, which you might find useful when running calculations:

rm out-files/*
rm log-files/*


SpaRTaNS is meant to be executed from the command line as follows:

mpirun [-n num_processes] python

Running the line above should result in output similar to

2022-05-01 11:41:44,786 : 
______ ____ _____ _ _______
\ ___) | _ (_ _) | \ | \ ___)
\ \ ______ __ _| |_) )| | __ _| \| |\ \
> >( __ ) \/ / __/ | |/ \/ / | > >
/ /__| || ( () <| | | ( () <| |\ |/ /__
/_____)_||_|\__/\_\_| |_|\__/\_\_| \_/_____)

2022-05-01 11:41:44,786 : Setting up Database dictionary.
2022-05-01 11:41:44,786 : Building Database object for files in ./in-files
2022-05-01 11:41:44,786 : Preparing Database dry run.
2022-05-01 11:41:44,786 : Parsing file ./in-files/spartans_test_SO3_cube-periodic_dataset-compressed.h5
2022-05-01 11:41:44,792 : SpaRTaNS will import the following datasets:
bounce_00: (48, 48)
bounce_01: (48, 48)
bounce_02: (48, 48)
connectivity: (1, 1)
bounce_00: (1452, 4)
bounce_01: (1452, 4)
bounce_02: (1452, 4)
- '000'
diagonal: (48)
frequencies: (48)
mixing_matrix: (48, 48)
velocities: (48, 3)
surface_normals: (1452, 3)
tetrahedra_indices: (7986, 4)
triangle_indices: (1452, 3)
vertices: (1728, 3)
body_injection: (48, 1728)

ABORT now if this is not what you expected.

The output above is SpaRTaNS inferring the user-input dataset shapes by looking into the database_directory. This, along with the output_directory and log_directory can be changed by chaning the following lines in

    from spartans.logger_builder import setup_logger
from spartans.parser_utils import print_spartans_logo

config_dict = {
'directories': {
'database_directory': './in-files',
'output_directory': './out-files',
'log_directory': './log-files'

# Set up log files
log_directory = config_dict['directories']['log_directory']
setup_logger('main_log', '{}/main_log.txt'.format(log_directory))
main_log = logging.getLogger('main_log')

SpaRTaNS then proceeds to set up the necessary Structure and Interface objects (see API Design section).

SpaRTaNS solves the BTE iteratively (see Formalism section). As such, inputs/outputs are stored internally for each structure and iteration number. However, to avoid large output size, and since the steady-state distribution is given by the accumulated distribution functions at each iteration, SpaRTaNS only writes the accumulated distribution and surface fluxes in {outDir}/accumulated_{structureId}.h5 by default. If individual distribution outputs are required (e.g. for debugging), the output files 'verbosity' can be controlled by changing the following lines:

    # Set up Structure objects'Setting up Structure objects.')
structure_keys = [struct_key for struct_key in database_dict.keys() if 'structure(' in struct_key]
structures = [Structure(comm,config_dict,database_dict,struct_key, write_debug_outputs=False,
debug_frequency=1) for struct_key in structure_keys]

Finally, SpaRTaNS uses a Scheduler object (see API Design section) to handle the various collision, and bounce operators in a logical sequence. The default Scheduler uses the following pseudo-code:

for struct in structures:
# First push from structures interfaces
for interface_id, interface_object in struct.interfaces.items():

# Then, run structure

# Finally, pull to structures interfaces
for interface_id, interface_object in struct.interfaces.items():

SpaRTaNS ships with some built-in Scheduler objects, which can be found here. These can be selected to expanded by modifying the following lines in

    # Set up Scheduler
# Note: change this to fit your needs, and/or define new schedulers in'Setting up Scheduler.')

from spartans.scheduler import Unweighted_simple as Scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(

C++ Streaming Operator Output

In addition to the collision and bounce operator logs from the python side, SpaRTaNS also outputs the streaming operator logs from the c++ side, with output similar to:

nTets: 7986  nUniqueTets: 6  expectedSpeedup: 1331x
nFaces: 16698 nExtFaces: 1452
Explicit event mode.
nBins: 48 nEvents: 48 nVerts: 1728
nEvents by process: [ 12 12 12 12 ]

Processing events: 8% 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 67% 75% 83% 92% 100% done.
Applying Oinv: done.

Sum rule check:
Largest sum rule error: 5.551115e-15, at ie: 8

Two points are of interest in the output above:

  • SpaRTaNS recognizes the mesh is very regular and only performs streaming in the 6 nUniqueTets tetrahedra, rotating and translating where appropriate to achieve an expected speedup of 1331x. As such, when the geometry allows it, it's beneficial to use a regular mesh.
  • SpaRTaNS reports the largest sum-rule error ((Integrated Body_in + Integrated Surface_in) - (Integrated Body_out + Integrated Surface_out)) across states. You'll want to check this is reasonably small across all runs.