About This Presentation
This presentation was made with ❤ using ,
- Observable Notebooks
- React Components
- Docusaurus Website
- The interactive widgets were all created using observablehq, a reactive notebook environment for javascript code
- In particular, the notebooks for this presentation derive from the following "electron ptychography" collection
- Each widget was imported in a clean notebook, see e.g. here, and exported using the option "Runtime with React"
- Each widget was then yarn-installed as a separate component and placed in the src directory, see e.g. here
- The only subtleties here are to make sure to remove the paragraph-tagged attribution banner, and ensure the correct pinned version of the notebook gets yarn-installed
- The website interface was made using Docusaurus, a documentation-site builder using React and MDX
- A number of configuration options were used to make it look more "presentation-like":
- Hideable sidebar
- Hideable table-of-contents on each doc page
- Used css-styling to hide observable "inspector" cells
- Tabs and details elements were used to mimic slide animations
- Finally, the website was deployed and hosted on github pages